Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Coming soon! Cyber security audits announced by VAGO

The Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) has this month announced plans to conduct audits on departments and agencies to assess their implementation of the Victorian Protective Data Security Framework (VPDSF) and Victorian Protective Data Security Standards (VPDSS), as well as cyber security strategy.

The audits, to run in 2018-19, will ascertain whether the VPDSF and VPDSS have been effective in improving cyber resilience in government to determine whether departments and agencies can adequately prevent, respond to and recover from cyber security attacks.

The Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection released the VPDSF and VPDSS in mid-2016 to provide direction for Victorian public sector agencies on their data security obligations.  Department heads must prepare Protective Data Security Plans to address the VPDSS and submit the plan to the Commissioner.

Whilst VAGO will be undertaking performance audits for the purpose of ascertaining the effectiveness of the VPDSF and VPDSS in improving government's cyber resilience, the Commissioner may also conduct monitoring and assurance activities, including audits, to ascertain whether departments and agencies are complying with data security standards.

If you would like to know more, contact:

Rebecca Radford
9947 1403

Snezana Stojanoska
9947 1412

James Stephens
 9947 1422

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